IRender Render Setup Dialog

The Setup Options Tab Dialog can be accessed from the Render dialog.

Setup Options Tab Dialog

The Setup Options dialog is used for rendering settings in nXt for Revit. Settings are grouped in the following tabs:

Interior 72.png Presets Lighting Presets and the settings they affect
Render 72.png Render Render window size, lights per pass, bounces, etc.
Lighting 72.png Lights Overrides for Lighting Defaults
Sky 72.png Sky Sun and Sky modes, colors, and intensity
Hrdi 72.png HDRi HDRi Sky Settings
Background 72.png Background Background Image and Ground Plane settings
Foreground 72.png Foreground Foreground Image, watermark, or logo
Special 72.png Special Edge Lines and Components
Save 72.png Image Auto Image, Image Comments, Watermarks
More 72.png More Load and Save settings, Licensing
Nxt 72.png nXt Plants, Section Planes

After changing an option or a material, Use this button to restart the render:

Revit render.png - Start Render