Edit Lamp

Edit Lamp is used to change to settings for a lamp placed as a SketchUp component.
To invoke Edit Lamp, right click on a lamp and select: IRender: Edit Lamp.
For values for settings, see Create Lamp .
Click OK to save your changes.
Editing Multiple Instances of a Lamp
Edit IRender Lamp" only changes one lamp at a time. (The new light intensity is stored on the instance, and not in the component definition)
If you want to replace all the existing lamps, you can create a new lamp with the new wattage, and then go to the SketchUp Component Window in Model View and List View.
- Right Click on the lamp you want to change (In the Components window), and click "Select Instances"
- Right Click on the new lamp and click "Replace Selected"
That should replace the selected instances of the original lamp with the new lamp.