View Rotate


View rotate.png - The View Rotate rendering toolbar button lets you change the view and zoom after rendering, and re-render without having to change the view in SketchUp, re-extract and re-render the model.

While changing views, the original model from SketchUp is shown with its SketchUp colors and textures.

Change the view as desired and re-render when done.


View rotate.png - Orbit view
Pan.png - Pan with mouse drag
Zoom.png - Zoom with mouse drag
Zoom-all.png - Zoom All
Zoom win.png - Zoom WIndow
Refr.png - Restore previous view.
Render button.png - Re-render with current view
Opengl add view.png - Save current view as style for loading later.
Opengl views.png - Load saved view

Sample Usage

In this sequence we are using the View Rotate function to zoom in on an area of the rendered view and re-render it at a smaller resolution.

1. After Rendering, Select the View/Rotate icon to load the View/Rotate window.


2. Change the view as desired - here we are using the Zoom-Window function to zoom in on an area of the original rendering.


3. We could select Render to re-render with the new view, but we want to change the screen size, so we will select Close to return to the rendering window.


4. Here we are setting a custom rendering size of 400 x 400


5. This is the new smaller rendering of the clipped area.


See also