RpReports Report Settings

Click on image for larger sample

These are the Settings for RpReports .



The bulky dialog demonstrates the features available for RpReports. The Actual Client dialog will be smaller, incorporating only the features exposed in the Client application.

Any of these settings can be preset in the customization .ini file for your project and removed from this dialog.


RpReports Report settings.jpg

created as a PDF file with an image of the SketchUp model, title, comments and a Report Title - Enter a title for the report.

Report Introduction Comments' - Comments here will also appear on the report.

Note:The report template allows for other user settings - header, footer, caption, etc.

Selected Entities Only - If checked, then only the selected entities will be used to create the report. Otherwise all entities on visible layers are used to create the report.

Show Entities without Attributes - If check then all components (and groups if enabled) are included in the report. If not checked, then only entities with attributes assigned are included in the report.

Top level groups

  • Ignore - groups are ignored unless they have attributes.
  • Explode into report - components in groups are treated as if they were at te top level (for easy placement into model.)
  • Treat as sub-assembly - components in groups are combined to calculate price for top level group.

} }

If Treat as sub-assembly is selected, then top-level groups (as opposed to groups which are nested in components or other groups) are included in the report. This lets you collect several components into a group, and get a report of the nested group. (If indented Bill of Materials is enabled.)

Show Quantity - If checked, then entities with identical attributes are aggreated and reported as a single line item with a quantity. If not chekecd, then each entity appears on the report as a separate line item.

Extend Costs/Prices - If checked then the cost (or price) of an entity is multiplied bu the quantity to create and display an Extended Cost (or Extended Price).

Show Totals - If checked, then quantities and extended costs (or prices) are totaled at the end of the report.

Show report when complete - If checked, then the report is loaded into the appropriate application (web browser, Excel, etc.) after it is created.

Page Setup

Page Setup

Use the Page Setup button to load page setup and set page size and margins.

These settings effect the page size used in Adobe PDF. The user can print a page on a larger or smaller printer page by using Fit Page settings in Adobe.

Indented Bill of Materials

RpReports will create a Bill or Materials ] by adding up sub-components contained in an Entity.

An indented BOM report contains entities placed directly in the model, and sub-components placed inside entities. A component or group which contains sub-components is called an assembly.

Only sub-components which contain attributes are used to create the Bill of Materials.

The cost of the assembly is automatically calculated by adding up the costs of the sub-components.

PDF Report

Click on image for larger sample

The report is listing of groups and components.

The user can format the report out and print the report directly from PDF .

See also