Creating .CSV file from .SKP file names


There is a feature in RpReports which allows you to create a .CSV file with the names of all components in your projec, and blank values for the attributes.

  1. From the OEM menu, select Re-Load Project if it is not loaded.
  2. From the OEM menu, select "Auto-Generate Attributes"
  3. A dialog box will be loaded, use the Browse button on this dialog box to select a folder which contains your attributes.
    All .SKP files in this folrder, or in sub-folders of this folder, will be processed.
  4. Click Apply.
    A new .CSV file will be created.
  5. Use the new .CSV file as a basis for the .CSV file for your project.
    You can merge it with an existing .CSV file, or use it to create the attributes .CSV file for the project.

See also