Additional Functions

Additional Functions (
) loads a dialog of functions to help view and trace material settings.
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You can assign reflection or glow to a face by right clicking on the face. If the face has a material, you can also use this method to assign the reflection or glow to all faces with the same material. This is usually much easier then using these functions. These functions are provided for cases where the material you want to set is buried inside of components and/or groups and it would be difficult to access the face directly to modify it.
To invoke these functions, use the Plus Sign icon on the IRender Toolbar (
Display Attributes for:
These functions are used to view attributes stored by IRender on your SketchUp model.
- Entity
- Material
- Model
Reflection and Glow Settings
- Show All - displays all material overrides stored in the model.
- Delete All - removes all material overrides stored in the model.
- Purge Unused - removes all material overrides which are not being used.
Selected Reflection
- Define - Displays a list of materials in the model and lets you assign a reflection to them.
- Edit - Displays a lost of materials int the model which already have a refection and lets you change the reflection.
Selected Glow
- Define - Displays a list of materials in the model and lets you assign a glow to them.
- Edit - Displays a lost of materials int the model which already have a glow and lets you change the glow.
If there are entities selected in the model, these functions only display materials for the selected entities. Otherwise they display display materials for all entities in the model.
Create Bump Map Images
- Creates a
Bump Map
from the geometry in a SketchUp model.
See: Create Bump Map -
Image Functions
- Loads a dialog to display, select and remove images from a SketchUp model..
See: Image Functions